10-6-15 | Sponsorship
Alicia has spent countless hours teaching Rural Secondary Education (SAT) students in San Isidro during the past year. As a teacher and mentor, she spent off-hours talking with students and encouraging them to stay in school. Having seen the need first hand, Alicia decided to sponsor a child, “I want them to know that people believe in their dreams just as much as they do.”
Like many volunteers, Alicia learned about Fabretto through a club at her university, which led a group trip providing workshops in Fabretto communities on safe sex, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol abuse. When she graduated, she knew she wanted to continue studying development and returned to Fabretto to volunteer. Her four months turned into seven, as she was making progress encouraging students to continue to pursue education.
“I knew how important it was for them. I would listen to the kids that had a sponsor talk about their other families in the U.S. and I would help them translate and write letters for their sponsor family. It was really sweet to see how they knew someone else out in the world was supporting them and wanting to see them succeed. And, I think that is really important,” Alicia says.
“The most exciting moments are seeing kids getting excited about what they are learning and wanting to do well,” she recalls from her time in the classroom.
Want to become a child sponsor? Change a child’s life with the future of education. Learn more about the sponsorship program.