7-13-15  |  Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight: Will

BY: Lauren Fusek

Volunteers are such an important part of Fabretto. Without them, it would be difficult to keep our centers running! So today we wanted to highlight one of our long-term volunteers who has been extraordinarily helpful.

Will is a rising junior at UPenn and has volunteered with Fabretto in Nicaragua for the past 6 weeks. However, his dedication actually started back in November 2014 when he began to work with a graduate student at his school on Fabretto’s monitoring and evaluation system.

Since then, Will is now in the final phase of this helpful project, which consists of piloting his recommendations directly with students and teachers inside the classrooms of Nicaragua. Below is a quick interview I had with Will discussing the challenges, rewards, and achievements he has experienced while volunteering for Fabretto.

Why did you get involved with Fabretto?

I’m incredibly passionate about international educational development. Fabretto seemed like a phenomenal opportunity to engage with the field and work hands-on with evaluation. I really have enjoyed this entire year of working with Fabretto, but especially implementing a project that originally started out as just an idea.

What made you excited to come into work each day?

It’s nice when you start to build relationships with people in the office. I wouldn’t have met them without joining Fabretto. Spanish is also an everyday challenge, but by constantly practicing, there are little victories which feel good.

Who has been the most influential person in your time here?

There are so many people… If I had to pick one I would say Danea. Danea is the head education coordinator. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about education strategy. She knows what makes an effective learning environment and a successful teacher. It’s amazing to see how dedicated and insightful she is with her job. She has also been very patient with me through this whole process, which I really appreciate. She has actively helped me with all the work I’m doing.

What was your favorite memory/moment so far?

I really enjoyed piloting one of the instruments at the SAT program in San Isidro. After months of work, it was really rewarding to have physical instruments to implement. It was great to interact with the students and see everything come together. It’s one thing to talk about the process of this project in the States, but another to be here and actually do it. It really brings everything full circle and has made the work so much more meaningful for me.

Thanks for your remarkable help, Will!

Do you have skills or expertise to share with our team in Nicaragua? Become a Fabretto volunteer! Our individual volunteers are independent, knowledgeable, and driven to support children in Nicaragua. If this sounds like you, take a look at our Volunteer Page to learn more.

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