7-25-14 | Program Achievements
Taking into consideration the complex challenges of poverty, we implement a multi-faceted primary education enrichment program. Our programs include afterschool classes, teacher training, daily school meals, and key resources. To ensure that students receive support from home, we involve parents through volunteering and regular workshops.
In Nicaragua, government data indicates that 40% of students in urban areas and 47% of students in rural areas have repeated at least one grade level. Repetition is strongly correlated with poverty level; over one quarter of students in the poorest quintile have repeated at least twice (ENDESA 2007). Fabretto programs directly impact retention (completing school year) and promotion (advancement to following grade level) rates. In 2013, our programs led to a 94% retention rate and 93% promotion rate for our students.
Our programs focus on ensuring early grade literacy to reduce dropouts and grade repetition. In 2011, Fabretto hired external consultants to administer the Early Grade Reading Assessment to children enrolled in grades 1-3 at Fabretto-supported schools. The EGRA is an internationally-recognized evaluation originally developed by RTI International. From 2011 to 2013, with Fabretto programs, the percentage of children reading At or Above Grade Level more than doubled.
Watch our primary education programs in action in the video below: