3-5-19 | Our Programs Success Story

Fabretto is committed to advancing gender equality through a better balance in our education programs, with 49% of beneficiaries being girls. In a country where women and girls have traditionally not gotten involved in farming, even in the case of our innovative SAT Program, we are proud to report that girls make up 44% of the enrollment.
SAT is empowering girls to break the norm and venture into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers they would previously have never considered. Such is the case of Ana, a teenager from San Jose de Cusmapa. The daughter of two teachers, most people in her community would assume she too would end up becoming a primary school teacher, a traditional career for women in her community. However, after growing up in Fabretto’s education programs from a young age, in 10th grade, she decided to try a technical course in Integrated Management of Agricultural Production offered by Fabretto’s SATec Program in the Cusmapa Education Center. In her own words: “Before going on to college to study Agricultural Engineering, I wanted to take this 8-month course to make sure this was my calling.” SAT’s learning by doing and learning by earning methodologies allowed Ana to put the theory she learned in the classroom into practice in the school garden and beyond. She is now confident that her future is in agriculture.
One of only 8 girls in a class of 34, Ana dreams of going on to college so that she can go back to her community and teach local farmers about ways to improve production and sales. Against all odds, today she is ready to take on the world, knowing that she is choosing to do what she loves.
Celebrate women and girls in agriculture on Women’s History Month by making a donation towards Fabretto’s education programs.