10-11-16  |  Our Programs

International Day of the Girl: Raise your hand for girls’ education!

BY: Anina Hewey

Girls took center stage today at Fabretto’s Education Center in Cusmapa on the International Day of the Girl. The mood was joyful and celebratory as the community came together to say in one voice: ¡Tod@s por las niñas!

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Girls and boys from Cusmapa and Las Sabanas joined parents, teachers, and Fabretto staff members for a day filled with activities and performances, including songs, dances, poems, and stories. The Fabretto LitClub members were given the spotlight to share some of their arts and literacy projects. In their LitClubs, Fabretto students meet after-school to read together and participate in educational activities that build literacy, resilience, and social skills.

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To motivate girls to continue their studies, a Fabretto enrichment teacher, Maria*, shared her personal journey to access education. When Maria was in primary school, her grandmother doubted the value of education for a girl–why learn to read, her grandma asked, if you’re just going to become a housewife? Maria persisted, however, thanks to the inspiration of her female teachers, who had found success through education. Her path was not easy–she found work hauling water from the river to pay for her school supplies and for the bus rides to and from secondary school. By the time Maria graduated from high school, her grandma’s views had changed and she celebrated her granddaughter’s accomplishments. Now, as a Fabretto enrichment teacher, Maria continues to spread the joy of education to girls in rural communities.

Raise your hand for girls’ education today – Share this post and celebrate the International Day of the Girl!

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*Name changed to protect privacy.

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